Musing Mondays (7/27)

Today’s Musing Mondays: Do you have an account with an online book database site (LibraryThing, Shelfari, GoodReads, etc)? If so, do you have a preference? Do you use it for - your own record keeping? finding new books to read? social networking?

I have a GoodReads account. Right now, I mainly use it just for record keeping. I just set up my account a few days ago so I haven't really had time to start browsing through to find new books to read or to use it for social networking. I also didn't realize there were other online book database sites. (I need to get out more!) So, I guess I'll have to check them out and decide which one I like best.

1 comment:

  1. good, not too late to change to library Thing then! ;-)
